Jun 30Liked by Michael Vincent Hawthorne

Keeping Biden around, however, does give the lie to the idea that they believe Trump is an existential threat. Anyone who genuinely believes he is an existential threat to this country would not be running an obviously feeble, widely disliked 81-year-old.

There has not been a moment of this campaign where Biden hasn't been massively trailing essentially every other Democrat running in a statewide election this year. There is a huge universe of voters who are more than willing to vote for a liberal against Trump or a Trump-aligned candidate, but are turned off when that said liberal is a feeble 81-year-old.

When a “Generic Democrat” is polled against Donald Trump, they outrun Biden by staggering margins. When younger non-Biden Democrats are polled against Trump in states where they have name recognition, they outrun him by staggering margins. It is only when such Democrats are polled against Trump nationally, where they are not known, that they merely match his numbers. That is not exactly what you would expect to see if Biden were the strongest possible candidate.

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Whoever greenlit the Biden campaign in 2019-2020 has to be kicking themselves right now. It's been a series of bad decisions since word go.

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Perhaps the people that don't want Biden to rerun should have said so prior to the primaries.

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