Jun 17Liked by Michael Vincent Hawthorne

The idea that there is a hypercompetent cabal running humanity is pure cope, a centuries old Noble Lie, meme, a conspiracy if you will, aimed at one goal; stopping thousands of Noticers from concluding that modern elites are just incompetent self-serving scum and falling into despair.

Any perceived concert between them is merely their self-interest coinciding in their actions. One world government by a shady Jewish league would be far more competent than what we labour under at this time.

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Yup. If anyone has ever worked in any type of "halls of power", working on deals or policies, the very idea that more than two people could ever pull off something like as a years long, complex and multi-factored secret plot on a wide scale is just laughable. People are unreliable and lazy and make mistakes and love to gossip. Major projects and deals turn on the most random whims and errors and moods. What's actually amazing is that people ever manage to get ANYTHING done on any kind of large scale, without it completely falling apart at the seams. I'm truly amazed society runs as smoothly as it does 99% of the time without massively more chaos. Coordinating people is almost impossible.

But one could say that that is exactly why the super memes, AKA the major religions, developed. As the ultimate coordinating mechanism for millions of people. We shall see if it's really possible to keep the wheels on long term, without them. Seems somewhat doubtful.

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