Apr 7Liked by Michael Vincent Hawthorne

This is a really, really good post.

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Thank ya thank ya

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Apr 3Liked by Michael Vincent Hawthorne

The takeaway here, for me, is that public perception of policy is incredibly important! So, political people, remember that before you say crazy crap! Will the other side say unfair crud about you? Yep. Sound as gobsmackingly normal and sane as you can. Does this mean that sometimes maybe your preferred policy has to be slowed down or held off? Yes. As a guy with a bunch of weirdo ideas, I feel your pain. But try your damndest to sound normal. You know why Biden won the nomination and the election? Because he was the most normal sounding one. If you can slide in your preferred, more extreme policy under the radar, by all means do. But make it sound boringly normal fer chrissakes (and make sure it works!).

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deletedMay 7
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Hey Tom, you're spending your evening throwing a bitch fit in my comments and mentions. If anyone here isn't getting laid its definitely you.

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deletedApr 7
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I totally get it. Nobody wants to see or be a victim of violence on their daily commute, a night out, or to get groceries.

And I'm seeing it and the media coverage doesn't convince people the crime rate is falling.

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